Friday, May 20, 2011

Week 5 (05/15 - 05/21) No Sun, New Lettuce

I moved most seedlings outside. sun, no sun at all, no sun for more than a week in a roll, and it's still going to be cloudy and raining next week. My friend told me Morgantown has only 44 days in a year that has complete sun light. I should have known better... It's like, if I check the weather report today, it will be no sun, no sun, sun, then if I check it tomorrow, it'll be no sun, no sun, sun - basically, the weather report just keep adding one more day of no sun... So, because of this situation, my plants are all turning yellow:(  Today was the only day in almost two weeks that there was actually some sunlight, I was so happy:)

What else is new... I bought a new seed packet: Burpee's organic mesclun mix, which has arugula, cress, endive, radicchio, lettuce salad bowl, red lettuce salad bowl and lettuce oakleaf. I planted couple of them in the 24" window box, together with the only black-seeded simpson lettuce that germinated there.

Other than that, I fertilized my tomato, beans, peppers for the first time with the Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food (18-18-21)

Green Beans 05/20 (Day 26) - They're getting a lot of new leaves now, but definitely have some problems...My friend says it's because of the lack of sunlight. 
Tomatoes 05/20 (Day 34) - They are growing taller, and getting more leaves, but does not seem to be too happy, probably because of the lack of sunlight.

Tomatoes 05/20 (Day 34) - Ironically, the ones that I thought were dead - therefore planted 5 of them in one container -outgrow everybody else. Competition is important:) 

Bell peppers 05/20 (Day 27) - some has been growing really fast, the others are neither growing nor dying, wtf?
Jalapeno peppers 05/20 - They don't seem to grow at all... but they didn't get any more aphids, that's good
Cilantro 05/20 (Day 27)- I am still trying to get rid of those, because they are too leggy

Thyme 05/20 - it's still on the surviving level, some parts died out. what's funny is that everybody keeps saying thyme should be in dry soil, but my thyme is only happier when I give them water...
Rosemary 05/20 (Day 27) - rosemary is this week's surprise, it finally started growing... got some real leave, and the leaves are getting bigger
Cherry tomatoes & Cucumber 05/20 (Day 10) - the three-seedleaf tomato is still growing happlily, maybe even stronger... cucumbers need to be thinned...
Oregano 05/20 - doling good as long as kept it watered
Basil 05/20 (Day 10) - doing good so far
Mesclun - Arugula, Cress, Endive, Radicchio, Black-seeded Simpson, Red salad bowl, salad bowl, lettuce oakleaf
cress sprout 05/20 (day 2)
Lettuce Black-seeded Simpson 05/20 (Day 20)
Tomatoes are definitely way happier after a day of full sun! (Too bad full sun doesn't happen often in Morgantown, WV)

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